Postcard: School of Design
Condition: MINT
Quantity: 1
Price: US$5.00
Catalog: ED003
Postcard: Australian Architexture Association
The Australian Architecture Association supports discourse and the promotion of architecture in the Australian cultural milieu - architecture that is manifestly of its place and its time, which is simultaneously modern and timeless.
The right to practise with integrity, in an ethical and sustainable manner and with artistic and technical excellence is fundamental to architecture that is contemporary, culturally informed and socially engaged.
A constituency drawn from architects, likeminded professionals, commerce and the broad community will embed contemporary architecture as a primary tenet of our society.
Condition: MINT
Quantity: 1
Price: US$4.00
Catalog: ED002
Postcard: Queensland University of Technology
QUT is a leading Australian university with a colourful history dating back to the beginning of technical and teacher education in Queensland when the Brisbane School of Arts was established in 1849. This history is examined through lively accounts and photographs in the book A Class of its Own: A History of Queensland University of Technology, by Noeline Kyle, Catherine Manathunga and Joanne Scott (St Leonards, NSW: Hale & Ironmonger, 1999).
Condition: MINT
Quantity: 1
Price: US$3.00
Catalog: ED001